The Founder

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been a part of my life since I was very young.  From my mother and grandmother making me nourishing herbal soups, “leung cha” to clear away heat during those hot summer months, to having awful tasting medicine because I always had bronchitis that just never seemed to have gotten better until I had the miracle medicine. 

My own journey with TCM began after having my second child.  I was chronically fatigued at the time with postpartum depression and was lucky enough to have caught a bug that left me with a debilitating cough that left me short on breath (on top of my crazy fatigue) and this lasted for over a year and a half.  Being completely burnt out and frustrated from the constant response from Dr’s that “there’s nothing wrong, all your tests and exams came back normal,” or “it’s normal to feel this way, you have two kids,” I needed answers and was desperate to get better so that I could take care of my family.

“It has been such a gift learning about this medicine……My hope is that I can one day help others through their wellness and healing journey.”

I took the first step towards learning how to nourish and heal my body by enrolling in Traditional Chinese Medicine School, along with seeing a TCM Doctor regularly.  I’m happy to say that there have been tremendous improvements with my health.  Though somedays it feels like I am taking 10 steps back, overall I am moving forward.  It has been such a gift learning about this medicine, learning about my body and about holistic healing.  My hope is that I can one day help others through their wellness and healing journey.

I am grateful and excited to continue on this road to healing and I hope Yintent can help and be a part of your wellness journey, wherever you are.


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