Acupuncture is one of the main healing modalities used in TCM. Single use, hairline thin sterile needles are inserted into specific points to yield a specific outcome.
Acupuncture is used to regulate and restore balance of Qi and Blood, Yin and Yang and regulate the function of the organs and meridians, and can aid with hormone balance. It promotes overall health and well-being so that you can do what you need to with more ease.
Cosmetic acupuncture is a natural alternative to facial rejuvenation. Utilizing traditional acupuncture and motor points on the face to stimulate and relax the muscles, help promote collagen production, coupled with the Celluma LED light therapy, it’s like a work out for the face. The LED light therapy (optional but included with every treatment) can work to target acne, fine lines and wrinkles. Each treatment is customized and includes body acupuncture to target any internal imbalances as well as acupuncture points to enhance the facial treatment. Gentle Gua Sha and facial cupping is also used to enhance blood flow, aid with lymphatic draining, and lift the muscles to help tone and give an inner glow.